Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Meeting of the babies

Ooh, we went to our first little mommy / baby meeting today! Well, obviously met up with other mommies and babies up until this point - Carrie and Emilia, Katie and Elsie, Andrea and Julia, but not on such a large scale!
Emmeline and I met up with Katie and Elsie and went over to Imogen's flat - what a beautiful flat!

We were some of the first mommies there, but by the end there were 8 or 10 mommies and their babies! All the mommies were very friendly and all of the babies were lovely and all around about the same age. It was fantastic to be able to talk to other mom's about what we were going through with their babies and to be able to share my experiences or any advice I may have. Although I only have advice about what I have done with Emmeline, I have no idea about other babies! it was also nice to see the various stages of development amongst the babies and for me, it was good to see Emmeline’s size in comparison to the other babies after the whole thing about her not gaining weight or growing much. Honestly, she looked about the same size, bigger than some, smaller than others! So now I worry even less about what the paediatrician said to be honest (although it is true that she has definitely gained weight since our last visit)

It was also nice to see little noodle interacting with other children. She seemed a little quiet and amazed at all the other little babies at first! These are the most babies she has ever seen. Then she saw a green and yellow frog and her interest in the babies disappeared and she was focused only on trying to eat her way through the frog! On the upside, she did not make a fuss when one of the other babies took something she was playing with – hopefully this means she will be fine with sharing! On the down side she did grab poor little Elsie’s face at one point! Thing is, Emmeline has a habit of reaching out to touch people and their faces. The problem is that every now and then her tiny baby fists close around whatever she has gotten hold of, generally my nose or my eyes. This is not a problem if you are an adult, but quite another story if you are a 5 month old baby! I had to watch her hands pretty closely! Although at one point she was very gently playing with one little boy’s hair! It was very cute until her hand got stuck in a knot, she pulled, and unfortunately she hurt the little boy! Mental Note: Must try teach Emmeline to not grab and squeeze!

Feeding time came and saw a frenzy and boobies, bottles and bibs! I had bought a bottle with noodles left over cereals from that morning although as I was feeding her from her bottle, my boob got confused and I sprung a leak, typically on the day I forgot to put in my breast pads. Katie pointed out the faux pas and thankfully had some spare breast pads for me. Quick change of t-shirt and the problem was fixed! At least it happened in a room full of people who totally understood!  In the end down went the bottle and I got noodle to empty me out a little!

We left after a few hours and Emmeline passed out in the baby Bjorn as soon as we got out to the street! All that playing!

It was great, and there is another next week! I have already started to think about when we can host one! I might even be all domestic and make cupcakes!! Any excuse to eat cake!

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