Monday, November 29, 2010

Curse of the Cold

Oh my poor little angel is sick! Again! This is the second time that she has been sick since she was born, and I feel so bad for her, and I feel really guilty because once again, it was me who gave her the cold. Surely though this gives me the right to feel angry at those who gave me the cold that I then passed on to my daughter? I don’t know why, but it would appear that since giving birth I have zero immune system. Someone as much as sniffles in my house and I get knocked down for a whole week with a stupid cold. And yes, I do have a healthy diet! I can try to blame those in my house: Xavi for working too hard, not sleeping enough, and not eating properly therefore getting run down and sick. Or I could blame Yaincoa, but he can only take a small portion of the blame as he is 8 years old, therefore I will have to pass the rest of his blame onto his mother. Yaincoa has chronic bronchitis and asthma, his mom doesn't quite take care of him as well of a normal person would and so due to this reason and just being a kid, he spends most of winter sick. What this means is that they get sick, I get even sicker, little Emmeline gets sick as well.
Having read p on colds in Wikipedia, I have come to the conclusion that I am screwed! This is what they say:

There is currently no known treatment that shortens the duration; however, symptoms usually resolve spontaneously in 7 to 10 days, with some symptoms possibly lasting for up to three weeks  – So no treatment, I will just have to tough it out

“The common cold is the most frequent infectious disease in humans with on average two to four infections a year in adults and up to 6–12 in children”I must be getting the whole families share as I have had 3 colds in 4 months!

“A history of smoking extends the duration of illness by about three days” – I used to smoke but gave up when I found out I was pregnant

“Getting fewer than seven hours of sleep per night has been associated with a risk three times higher of developing an infection when exposed to a rhinovirus, compared to those who sleep more than eight hours per night” – HA, please see my post of sleep deprivation! 4 month old baby and seven hours of sleep? If only...

“The best prevention is staying away from people who are infected” – Kind of hard when the infected people are your boyfriend and his son, don’t think they would feel so great if I told them to get out of the flat for 7 – 10 days!

“Colds are primarily transmitted through breathing in tiny particles that the infected person emits when he or she coughs, sneezes, or exhales” – So we should all just stop breathing then?

I was sick last week and it really did make looking after Emmeline by myself hard! I had no energy and I ached all over. She was being very fussy about eating and she just wouldn’t sleep by herself and I just wanted to lie in bed all day. I couldn’t, so I had to tap my resources and get on with it taking whatever medicine the pharmacist had Ok’d to a breastfeeding mother, drink lots of orange juice and have lots of steam baths of eucalyptus! I eventually started to feel better by Saturday, but on Saturday I then noticed that Emmeline was not behaving like herself. She seemed out of sorts, and was crying a bit more than usual. She was also all tired and lethargic. By Sunday she had a snotty nose and a chesty cough. My heart absolutely broke into a million pieces. I could see that she was feeling like crap, but the little gem still managed to give me several priceless smiles and giggles! I tried to carry on with our normal daily routines, but I could see that this would not work. Every time that I tried to put her down or down to sleep by herself, she started to cry, in the end I had her in my arms or the baby Bjorn all day. It worked out nicely for me as I love having her in my arms, and if that was what I could do to make her feel better, then I would do it happily! So there we were, sick mommy, sick baby and daddy working all day. I chose the only option that I could think of: medicine, pyjamas all day and Greys Anatomy.  A few of the nights I put her in her crib, and in the end I had to bring her into bed with me and slept hugging her all night long. I know many people don’t agree with co-sleeping, but I did it for the first 2 months of her life with no problems, so for me it was fine to bring Emmeline into bed and soothe and comfort her.
She is finally over her cold, and is starting to feel herself again, although not completely. However what the poor little thing doesn’t know is that tomorrow we have her 4 month vaccinations......

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