Monday, December 21, 2009

The first beats

Today was my third visit with the obstatrician, to me normally nothing more important than getting my blood pressure and my weight taken. My blood pressure has never been a problem, so I wasn't even thinking about that. My weight . . . well i have been eating every few hours and i am eating more these days! It is true that my sweet tooth has been enhanced by pregnancy, but i am also trying to eat a good mix of food with plenty of vegetable and fruit. The things i am not so good with is the fish (so whenever i am out i order fish) and the pulses (but for that i rely on Xavi's mother!). I have acepted the fact that i will and must put on a certain amount of weight for me and for bump, so i have accepted that i will probably have gained about 2 more kilos taking me up to 68kg's (64kg in November before i knew of existence of bump, 66kgs first doctors visit in december). Again, i wasnt really bothere with that part either.

What was i nervous about??

The doctor was going to be listening to the baby's heartbeat. I had been nervous for about a week or two about this. Why? Well because i felt the baby fluttering in week 14 and a little bit in week 15, but since then, bump has been quiet. I feel flutters sometimes and i feel the exploding bubbles sensations as well, but i was not too sure if this was bump making his/her presence felt, or if i was just imagining it. So i had started to worry that all was not fine and that maybe there was something wrong. Was bump a slow grower, was bump hidden deep in my tummy, was there something bigger wrong?? What if something had gone wrong. It got to the point where i didnt really want to buy any baby things or post any messages about baby just incase. I told Xavi who wisely told me to stop worrying and that everything was fine. He also pointed out with a smile that i was a mother now and that i was going to have many years of worrying infront of me! I felt a flush of the anger of being a parent and knowing that my child would unwillingly (and surely willingly someday) make me worry sick about them! My baby has not even been born yet and i already want to tell him/her off about it!

This morning finally arrived and thankfully i had things to keep me busy all morning and couldnt entertain all those horrible and dark thoughts that you creep up on people making you imagine the worst case scenario! 12:20 arrived and found me and Xavi sitting outside the doctors office armed with magazines as we now know, they are NEVER on time! I swear, doctors and their waiting times are the same all over the world!

So the doctor called us in and took my blood pressure, which was fine as usual. The came the dreaded part, the  . . . weight!! I made sure i took off my shoes to be sure i got an 'accurate and true' measurement.Using Xavi's son as the excuse i mumbled something along the lines of ' It's so  i can be sure i scale at home is right so that we can keep a true track of Yain's weight'. The doctor looked at me like i was crazy, i dont think she believed me for some reason??? Well i was bowled over to learn that i have gained a massive . . . 100grams. How is it that i am eating so much more than before and yet i have only gained a few kilos! Obviously this little baby is helping burn all those uneccesary calories with me! Even more amazing when i think that i have, or actually my stomach has grown out of my jeans! The legs fit fine, but the buttons just do not do up at all! Soooo dissapointing as it means that i really do have to go and buy maternity clothing!! Big elasticated pants!! I was hoping that i wouldnt have to do it, but looks like i do have to.

Then came the important part . . . the listening to the heart! She told me to not be nervous if we couldn't hear the heart and that i should keep calm and basically not freak out because the baby is still quite small so it is not always easy! I lifted up my shirt and she put on the jelly cream stuff, and used the little hand held thingy to try to find the heartbeat. I held my breath and a few seconds later i heard a very fast 'doosh doosh doosh'!!! YAAAAAAAY!!! Bump is fine and living and growing and has a nice strong and very fast heart going on inside of me!! i heaved out a huge sigh a relief and a smile lifted up my whole face. I looked over at Xavi and he had a huge smile on his face to also feeling relived that everything was alright.

I walked out of the doctors office and i have been feeling lightfooted all day long with a permanent smile on my face. Bump is doing fine, and if i cannot feel too much movement at the moment, no problem!
This baby is obviously just a little more lazy like its mother!!

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